The Egyptian Book of the Dead

The Egyptian Book of the Dead isn’t your average bedtime story.

Think of it as a spiritual Swiss Army knife for the afterlife's challenges.

Ani's no mythical character; he was as real as you and me, from 13th century BCE Thebes.

His journey’s a bit more intense though - starting with mummification, where the heart is kept, considered the hub of smarts and feelings.

They packed him with natron, wrapped him up with charms and a heart scarab amulet whispering, "Don’t rat me out!"

Next up: the underworld, aka the duat - think lakes of fire and sassy half-human monsters.

Want to dodge eternal soul-eating snakes? Ani’s Book of the Dead had the right spells and codes.

He sailed through trials, wooed the 42 judgey gods, and passed the ultimate test - heart versus feather on a golden scale.

Spoiler: Ani’s heart was lighter, probably thanks to the heart scarab's plea.

The reward? An eternal chill session with his folks in a paradise where Shabti dolls do the farming for you.

Ani’s afterlife secrets? Papyrus-bound and on display since 1888 at the British Museum.

🌾Farm life forever? Only Ani knows for sure.